Thursday, 28 March 2013




The word "Namaskar" come from Sanskrit word “Id dam Namamay “Which means “I well Come you by bowing down my head” Which is harram and shrik in Islam, the biggest crime in Islam. 

We bow down our head before Allah only, the creator and no one else. Even according to the Hindus scripture saying "Namasakar” also prohibited since the Vedas and other Hindus scripture .etc. They too speak about the only one true God, only He deserves worship and no one else. In Islam Greeting “Namaskar” is harram and Muslims should not greet.


 In argument Some Hindus says that “We bow down to the very human being because God in every human being ‘

    If they believe that God in every Human being means every human being is God in that case.

For example: Someone come and tell that “Let’s go and do Rob “or “Let’s Rape a women” So we should say that “God telling us!to Rob And Rape let’s do it” ! Because we have to obey God’s commandments. 

According to the Hindus Scripture the Vedas this concept is absolutely false contradict with the Concept of God in Hinduism.


Allah says in the Qur’an

The Qur’an clearly mentions that ‘Allah (SWT) has breathed somewhat of His spirit into the human beings’.

“When I have fashioned you in due
Proportion and have breathed into you
Something of my spirit, fall ye down in  obeisance”
             [Al-Qur’an Ch.15, Verse No.29,]

A similar thing is repeated in the Qur’an,

 “We have fashioned you in due proportion
and have breathed into you something of My
              [Al-Qur’an Ch. 32, Verse No.9]

   Here, when Allah (SWT) refers to ‘As something of My Spirit, is breathed into the human beings’ - it does not mean, a sort of incarnation or a pantheistic form. It means that Allah(god) has given to every human being something of His  spiritual Nature, and the Knowledge of God Almighty, and coming closer towards Him. Evey human being has the knowledge of God in Him/her. We should not bow down to anyone but Allah.


UNVEILED” -by Mohammed Asif Ali

Monday, 25 March 2013


Question: If the Qur’an carries scientific facts so do other Scriptures also. Then why do
Muslims claims only Qur’an as the word of God and not others Scriptures?

We Muslims believe in the Qur’an as the word of God without any doubt. One of the main reasons as to
why we Muslims believe only in Qur’an and no other Scripture when Qur’an as well as other Scriptures
also contains scientific facts are because Qur’an is the only Religious Scripture that contains scientific
facts and no scientific errors. There is not a single Aayat in the Glorious Qur’an that the mentioning in to
other scripture but science could not challenge Qur’an:
Allah says in the Qur’an:

“Do they not consider the Qur’an (with Care)? Had it been from other than Allah they would surely have
found therein much discrepancy.”
[Al-Qur’an Ch 4 Verse 82]

There are many Hindus claim or Challenge that Vedas, Bhagvath Geeta etc... Hindus scripture is pure and
which contain no errors. In Fact If we analysis Hindus scripture contain unscientific potions or errors.
Note: Normally we should not speak about differences or errors in the Vedas or any other religions
scriptures but as a last resort or if someone challenge us to prove then only we should make these
errors, point out in their scriptures.


1) Earth is fixed, don't rotate or revolve.
2) Sky stand on support.
3) Even earth got pillars.
4) Sun Revolve around the Earth.
5)Horse take the Sun to the Sky.

"He who fixed firm the earth that staggered, and set at rest the agitated mountains, who measured out the
air's wide middle region and gave the heaven support, he men is indra.
[Rigveda Book 2 hymn 12 Mantra 2]

"God has firmly fixed that earth with pegs around it
[Yajur Vedas Ch 5 Mantra 16]

"A lamp kept in a windless place does not shake."
[Bhagavad Gita Ch 6 verse 19]


As the Vedas Claim that the earth is static and so they tried to prove that the sun moves around the earth.
The following statement from the rig Ved tries to clarify it:
1. "Sun is full of light and knows all the human beings, so his (horses) take him to sky to look at the
world" [Rig Ved Book 1 Hymn 50 Mantra 1]

2. "O, Bright sun, a chariot named harit with seven horses takes you to sky"
[Rig Ved Book 1 Hymn 50 Mantra 8]

3. "O, man, the sun who is most attractive, takes round of the earth, on his golden chariot through the sky
and removes the darkness of the earth"
[Yajur Ved Ch 33 Verse 43]

There are many unscientific things or potion in the Vedas and Baghwath Geeta. One scientific error is
enough to prove it’s not the books of God neither completely guidance to whole mankind.

"And say: "Truth has (now) arrived, and Falsehood perished: for Falsehood is (by its nature) bound to
[Al-Qur'an ch 17 Verses 81].

Saturday, 23 March 2013



There are two birth control methods:
1) Permanent methods: MTP (medical termination of pregnancy), TL (Tubal Ligation) Or Vasectomy.
2) Temporary methods.

1) Permanent methods

All most all scholars prohibited permanents methods in Islam but it’s allowed in certain Situation or
circumstance, if mother had a multiple session doctor says another Pregnancy will dangerous to her life or if mother heart attack patient and if she Conceive a baby it’s dangerous to her life, in such situation only this permanent Allowed otherwise it’s prohibited in Islam.

2)Temporary Methods:

The most common method is “Copper T”Earlier science tell us “copper T” is a contraception but today science developedAnd tell us that “copper T” is not contraception but it’s a “Contra implantation “Means “Ovum and sperm already form the zygote, its preventing the cling in Uterus involve, it’s already attach to mother wall (Uterus wall) means it’s human creation already began in the mother womb, its means It’s a “Earlier Abortion” killing a human life, right! Killing any innocent life is Prohibited in Islam,Allah says in the Qur’an Ch 5 Verse 32

“ If any one kill any innocent life as though He kill the whole mankind “

and other Methods are like taking “Contraceptive Pills” and you know that Its causes many side effects in America and other countries , people are holding a banner and Board etc. “Pills kills Women” .

 Allah says in the Qur’an Ch 30 Verse 30 “Do not change your physiology”.

If takings Pills to save a mother life, if doctor says, if she should not conceive a baby up to Particular
time then it’s allowed.

Why Family planning?


Allah says in the Qur’an Ch 6 Verse 151 “ Do not kill your child want of sustain, we sustain
You and your child” 

Another place Qur’an verse says Ch 17 Verse 31 “ Do not kill your child want of sustain, We provide Your children and you “

If you see the first verse and second verse look similar but order is change. Scholars says first one refer to poor people , “ I don’t have to eat who a feed my child”

In Islam show the Solution for this is “ZAKAT” If the person is poor he/she can take Zakat and Its not a obligation to take zakat but it’s their right to take. And its refer to Malthusian theory of population, he says that “ crops inversely proportionately to population”

Means more population more danger to food but this theory has been disprove, Today population is Boone for the society not bane for the society , If you know which two country are competing for the Super power country? “India and China.” Why? Because they have man power, you know in America Children wearing a T shirt of written on “I and My Father Tax saver”. In Australia “more children more Allowance like less tax, school allowance, etc. why? Encouraging population, in Russia few year back They awarded a women has a maximum children in Russia as “Women of the Nation”. It the problem of the Indian Government.

It should come up the good policy so that we can utilized the Human power otherwise actually population not at all a problem and 73% of world land not been yet utilized. Second Verse refer: To the people, Modern people, they say “I want to make my daughter or son doctor or engineer or MBA etc. I need space between one child to another child .Almighty God already given a natural birth control, when baby born, when she breast feed, She will have lactation amureia means to conceive a baby again chance is goes down, and there is a space by naturally .

Allah says in the Qur’an Ch 31 Verse 15 “she give milk for two years”. But Today women they don’t believe in breast feeding, why? Because they lost their figure.

If you see the people who won the Noble prize in different field, science, math’s, social, etc. All of
them are not the first or second child of their parent’s its mixed , some 1 , 5, 3 etc. its Mixed if you saying that 1 child or 2 child only becoming well educated and successful in This world that wrong, illogical , Myth . In India “We two our two” after one not know and after two never. Allah says in the Qur’an Ch 3 Verse 53 “ They think , they plan , Allah to plan , but Allah plan the best” If you believe that Allah is the best planner then leave to Allah , if you think you do better planning Then go ahead .


There is a hadith which says that one person came to prophet and says “o prophet I want to do “Azl” (Arabic) means Coitus interruptus means intercourse in which, when ejaculation approaches, the man withdraws and ejaculates outside the women body “and prophet remain silent, some scholars says”

prophet remain silent means its prohibited, other scholars says that “prophet remain silent means prophet
allowed us” but whatever .No one can say its prohibited in Islam. And statistic tell us that , using condom(Some scholars prohibited if it using to fear of Children and their sustenance ) and women getting pregnancy chances is 17 percent but if you do proper methods Coitus interruptus, the chances is just 15 percent ,it better to using “Azl” method than condom .


UNVEILED” -by Mohammed Asif Ali


There is not a single statement in the Qur’an or the Sahih Hadith, which prevents women from entering
the Mosque. Some people quote a particular Hadith and say that the Prophet said ‘It is better for the
women to pray in the house, than the Mosque - It is better for her to pray in her inner room, than in her
house’. They are taking hold only of one source, and neglecting all the other sources.
Narrated Ibn `Umar: The Prophet (p.b.u.h) said, "Allow women to go to the Mosques at night."
[Sahi Bukhari Vol 2.Hadith 22]

Narrated Ibn `Umar: One of the wives of `Umar (bin Al−Khattab)used to offer the Fajr and the `Isha'
prayer in congregation in the Mosque. She was asked why she had come out for the prayer as she knew
that `Umar disliked it, and he has great ghaira (self−respect). She replied, "What prevents him from
stopping me from this act?" The other replied, "The statement of Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) : 'Do not stop
Allah's women−slave from going to Allah s Mosques' prevents him."
[Sahi Bukhari 2.Hadith 23:]

Salim narrated it from his father ('Abdullah b. Umar) that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon
him) said: When women ask permission for going to the mosque, do not prevent them.
[Sahi Muslim Bk 4, Number 884]

Ibn 'Umar reported: 'The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: Do not prevent the
maid−servants of Allah from going to the mosque.
[Sahi Muslim Bk 4, Number 886]

lbn Umar reported: I heard the Messeinger of Allah (may peace be upon him) say: When your women
seek your permission for going to the mosque, you grant them (permission).
[Sahi Muslim Bk 4, Number 887]

Abu Huraira said: The best rows for men are the first rows, and the worst ones the last ones, and the best
rows for women are the last ones and the worst ones for them are the firstones.
[Sahi Muslim Bk 4, Number 881]


Narrated By 'Abdullah bin Umar: Allah's Apostle said, "The prayer in congregation is twenty seven times
superior to the prayer offered by person alone."
[Sahi Bukhari Vol Ch 11 Call of Prayers Hadith 618]

Narrated By Abu Salama bin 'Abdur Rahman: Abu Huraira said, "I heard Allah's Apostle saying, 'The
reward of a prayer in congregation is twenty five times greater than that of a prayer offered by a person
alone. The angels of the night and the angels of the day gather at the time of Fajr prayer.'" Abu Huraira
then added, "Recite the Holy Book if you wish, for "Indeed, the recitation of the Qur'an in the early dawn
(Fajr prayer) is ever witnessed." (17.18).

Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Umar: The reward of the congregational prayer is twenty seven times greater
(than that of the prayer offered by a person alone).
[Sahi Bukhari Vol Ch 11 Call of Prayers Hadith 621]


A lady questioned Prophet Mohammed’ we have got infants; we have got household work how can we
go to the Mosque?’ - So in reply to this, the Prophet said that ‘If a lady prays in the house, it is better than
the Mosque - It is preferable for her to pray in the inner room, than the house’ - If she has infants or
problems, then she will get the same Sawab(Reward)


Islam believes in segregation of sexes not like other religions places where males and females are
a) Separate facility for the entrance and exit for the Men and Women
b) Separate facility for the Wadu(ablution) for the Men and Women
c) Separate area of praying for the men and women
d) When we pray we stand shoulder to shoulder and feet to feet are touching , If the men and women
standing like that, there will be a surely disturbance in offering Salah , where they will
concentrate in the prayers on Allah or on the lady or Men standing next. That why in Islam
women standing behind.


Abu Huraira said: The best rows for men are the first rows, and the worst ones the last ones, and the best
rows for women are the last ones and the worst ones for them are the first ones.
[Sahi Muslim Bk 4, Number 0881]


Even we see women allowed in Masjid (mosque) in Saudi Arabia in Haram-Sharif in Mecca, in Masjid-e-
Nabwi, they are allowed, England, America, Iraq.etc. It is only in India they are prevented because of
ignorance but Allahamdulilah (praise be to Allah) there are few Masjids (mosque) India in different part
of the county which have started allowing women in Masjids (mosque). InshAllah soon women will
allow to enter in all Masjid (mosque).


UNVEILED” -by Mohammad Asif Ali]

Friday, 22 March 2013

Similarities between Quraan and Bible

Assalamalikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatu!

Praise be to ALLAH.

In the name of ALLAH the most gracious, the most merciful

Similarities between Quran and Bible


(Quran) 112. Al-Ikhlas (Sincerity)

1. Say (O Muhammad (Peace be upon him)): "He is Allâh, (the) One.

2. "Allâh-us-Samad (The Self-Sufficient Master, Whom all creatures need, He neither eats nor drinks).

3. "He begets not, nor was He begotten;

4. "And there is none co-equal or comparable unto Him."

Exodus 34:14 (Bible)
You must worship no other gods, for the LORD, whose very name is Jealous, is a God who is jealous about his relationship with you.

(Commentary)For thou shall worship no other god,.... Than the Lord their God, the one only living and true God, which was the first command given to the people of Israel, and binding upon all men:

for the Lord whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God; his name and nature answer to one another; he admits of no rival or competitor in worship; he will not give his glory to another god, or one so called, nor his praise to graven images; and in this he is distinguished from all nominal and fictitious gods, who have many joined with them, and are rivals of them, which gives them no concern, because insensible; but it is otherwise with the Lord, who knows the dishonour done him, and resents it, and is as jealous of any worship being given to another, as the husband is of the honour of his marriage bed; for idolatry is spiritual adultery, as is suggested in the following verse.

Do not worship Jesus Christ P.B.U.H because even he said Gospel of John Ch.14 V.28 he said: "my father is greater than i"
Gospel of John Ch.10 V.29 he said: "my father is greater than all"
Gospel of Matthew Ch.12 V.28 "I caste out devils but the spirit of god"
Gospel of John Ch.5 V.30 "i cannot do my own self nothing as i hear i judge and my judgement is just for i seek on my will but the will of my father"
he always said the will is not mine the will is of my God it means he was a Muslim Jesus Christ (P.B.U.H) was a Muslim he never claimed that he is God. So the bible clearly says the Jesus Christ (P.B.U.H) was a man he was one of the mightiest messengers of God but not God. There is not a single statement in the Bible where Jesus Christ (P.B.U.H) says that he is the God and to worship him!
Gospel of John Ch.14 V.1 Jesus Christ (P.B.U.H) said "why are you afraid if you have faith in God have faith in me"
Gospel of John Ch.14 V.24 “the words that you hear are not mine but my father who has sent me”
Gospel of John Ch.17 V.3 “this is life eternal that you may know there is one God”


Gospel of John chapter 16 verse 12-14:

"I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth is
come, he will guide you unto all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. He shall glorify me".

The Sprit of Truth, spoken about in this prophecy referes to none other than Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
Gospel of John chapter 16 verse 7:

"Nevertheless I tell you the truth; it is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not
come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you".

"Ahmed" or "Muhammad" meaning "the one who praises" or "the praised one" is almost the translation of the
Greek word Periclytos. In the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, and 16:7. The word 'Comforter' is used in the English translation for the Greek word Paracletos which means advocate or a kind friend rather than a comforter.
Paracletos is the warped reading for Periclytos. Jesus (pbuh) actually prophesised Ahmed by name. Even the
Greek word Paraclete refers to the Prophet (pbuh) who is a mercy for all creatures.

Some Christians say that the Comforter mentioned in these prophecies refers to the Holy Sprit. They fail to realise
that the prophecy clearly says that only if Jesus (pbuh) departs will the Comforter come. The Bible states that the
Holy Spirit was already present on earth before and during the time of Jesus (pbuh), in the womb of Elizabeth, and again when Jesus (pbuh) was being baptised, etc. Hence this prophecy refers to none other than Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh).

John chapter 14 verse 16:
"And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever."

Gospel of John chapter 15 verse 26:
"But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which
proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me."


[1 Corin. 11:5]
But any woman who prays and prophecies with her head unveiled dishonors her head - it is the same as if her head were shaven, for if a woman will not veil herself then she should cut off her hair. But if it is disgraceful for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her wear a veil. JUDGE FOR YOURSELVES; is it proper for a woman to pray to God with her head uncovered? (It seems that Christians are unaware of the obligation of the veil in the Bible, which made me put their verses in this book, and for those who attack the veil in Islam should notice these verses of their own Bible, and notice also this verse "Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and the measure you give will be the measure you get.)


There is more Scripture condemning the use of alcoholic beverages than will be found on the subjects of lying, adultery, swearing, cheating, hypocrisy, pride, or even blasphemy.
1) Genesis 9:20-26 - Noah became drunk; the result was immorality and family trouble.

2) Genesis 19:30-38 - Lot was so drunk he did not know what he was doing; this led to immorality

3) Leviticus 10:9-11 - God commanded priests not to drink so that they could tell the difference between the holy and the unholy.

4) Numbers 6:3 - The Nazarites were told to eat or drink nothing from the grape vine.

5) Deuteronomy 21:20 - A drunken son was stubborn and rebellious.

6) Deuteronomy 29:5-6 - God gave no grape juice to Israel nor did they have intoxicating drink in the wilderness.

7) Deuteronomy 32:33 - Intoxicating wine is like the poison of serpents, the cruel venom of asps.

8) Judges 13:4, 7, 14 - Samson was to be a Nazarite for life. His mother was told not to drink wine or strong drink.

9) 1 Samuel 1:14-15 - Accused, Hannah said she drank no wine.

10) 1 Samuel 25:32-38 - Nabal died after a drunken spree.

11) 2 Samuel 11:13 - By getting Uriah drunk, David hoped to cover his sin.

12) 2 Samuel 13:28-29 - Amnon was drunk when he was killed.

13) 1 Kings 16:8-10 - The king was drinking himself into drunkenness when he was assassinated

14) 1 Kings 20:12-21 - Ben-Hadad and 32 other kings were drinking when they were attacked and defeated by the Israelites.

15) Esther 1:5-12 - The king gave each one all the drink he wanted. The king was intoxicated when he commanded the queen to come.

16) Psalm 75:8 - The Lord’s anger is pictured as mixed wine poured out and drunk by the wicked.

17) Proverbs 4:17 - Alcoholic drink is called the wine of violence.

18) Proverbs 20:1 - Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging.

19) Proverbs 23:19-20 - A wise person will not be among the drinkers of alcoholic beverages.

20) Proverbs 23:21 - Drunkenness causes poverty.

21) Proverbs 23:29-30 - Drinking causes woe, sorrow, fighting, babbling, wounds without cause and red eyes.

22) Proverbs 23:31 - God instructs not to look at intoxicating drinks.

23) Proverbs 23:32 - Alcoholic drinks bite like a serpent, sting like an adder.

24) Proverbs 23:33 - Alcohol causes the drinker to have strange and adulterous thoughts, produces willfulness, and prevents reformation.

25) Proverbs 23:34 - Alcohol makes the drinker unstable

26) Proverbs 23:35 - Alcohol makes the drinker insensitive to pain so he does not perceive it as a warning. Alcohol is habit forming.

27) Proverb 31:4-5 - Kings, Princes, and others who rule and judge must not drink alcohol. Alcohol perverts good judgment.

28) Proverbs 31:6-7 - Strong drink could be given to those about to perish or those in pain. Better anesthetics are available today.

29) Ecclesiastes 2:3 - The king tried everything, including intoxicating drink, to see if it satisfied. It did not. (Ecclesiastes 12:8)

30) Ecclesiastes 10:17 - A land is blessed when its leaders do not drink.

31) Isaiah 5:11-12 - Woe to those who get up early to drink and stay up late at night to get drunk.

32) Isaiah 5:22 - Woe to "champion" drinkers and "experts" at mixing drinks.

33) Isaiah 19:14 - Drunken men stagger in their vomit.

34) Isaiah 22:12-13 - The Israelites choose to drink; their future looks hopeless to them.

35) Isaiah 24:9 - Drinkers cannot escape the consequences when God judges.

36) Isaiah 28:1 - God pronounces woe on the drunkards of Ephraim.

37) Isaiah 28:3 - Proud drunkards shall be trodden down.

38) Isaiah 28:7 - Priests and prophets stagger and reel from beer and wine, err in vision, and stumble in judgment.

39) Isaiah 28:8 - Drinkers’ tables are covered with vomit and filth.

40) Isaiah 56:9-12 - Drinkers seek their own gain and expect tomorrow to be just like today.

41) Jeremiah 35:2-14 - The Rechabites drank no grape juice or intoxicating wine and were blessed.

42) Ezekiel 44:21 - Again God instructed the priests not to drink wine.

43) Daniel 1:5-17 - Daniel refused the king’s intoxicating wine and was blessed for it along with his abstaining friends.

44) Daniel 5:1 - Belshazzar, ruler of Babylon; led his people in drinking.

45) Daniel 5:2-3 - The king, along with his nobles, wives, and concubines, drank from the goblets which had been taken from God’s temple.

46) Daniel 5:4 - Drinking wine was combined with praising false gods.

47) Daniel 5:23 - God sent word to Belshazzar that punishment would be swift for the evil he had committed.

48) Hosea 4:11 - Intoxicating wine takes away intelligence.

49) Hosea 7:5 - God reproves princes for drinking.

50) Joel 1:5 - Drunkards awake to see God’s judgment.

51) Joel 3:3 - The enemy is judged for selling girls for wine.

52) Amos 2:8 - Unrighteous acts of Israel included the drinking of wine which had been taken for the payment of fines.

53) Amos 2:12 - Israel is condemned for forcing Nazarites to drink wine.

54) Micah 2:11 - Israelites are eager to follow false teachers who prophesy plenty of intoxicating drinks.

55) Nahum 1:10 - The drunkards of Nineveh will be destroyed by God.

56) Habakkuk 2:5 - A man is betrayed by wine.

57) Habakkuk 2:15 - Woe to him that gives his neighbor drink.

58) Habakkuk 2:16 - Drinking leads to shame.

59) Matthew 24:48-51 - A drinking servant is unprepared for his Lord’s return.

60) Luke 1:15 - John the Baptist drank neither grape juice nor wine.

61) Luke 12:45 - Christ warned against drunkenness.

62) Luke 21:34 - Drunkenness will cause a person not to be ready for the Lord’s return.

63) Romans 13:13 - Do not walk in drunkenness or immorality.

64) Romans 14:21 - Do not do anything that will hurt your testimony as a believer.

65) 1 Corinthians 5:11 - If a Christian brother is a drinker, do not associate with him.

66) 1 Corinthians 6:10 - Drunkards will not inherit the kingdom of God

67) Galatians 5:21 - Acts of the sinful nature, such as drunkenness, will prohibit a person from inheriting the kingdom of God.

68) Ephesians 5:18 - In contrast to being drunk with wine, the believer is to be filled with the Spirit.

69) 1 Thessalonians 5:6-7 - Christians are to be alert and self-controlled, belonging to the day. Drunkards belong to the night and darkness.

70) 1 Timothy 3:2-3 - Bishops (elders) are to be temperate, sober, and not near any wine.

71) 1 Timothy 3:8 - Deacons are to be worthy of respect and not drinkers.

72) 1 Timothy 3:11 - Deacons’ wives are to be temperate and sober.

73) Titus 1:7-8 - An overseer is to be disciplined.

74) Titus 2:2-3 - The older men and older women of the church are to be temperate and not addicted to wine.

75) 1 Peter 4:3-4 - The past life of drunkenness and carousing has no place in the Christian’s life.


Pork prohibited in the Bible

The Christian is likely to be convinced by his religious scriptures. The Bible prohibits the consumption of pork, in the book of Leviticus
"And the swine, though he divide the hoof, and be cloven footed, yet he cheweth not the cud; he is unclean to you". "Of their flesh shall ye not eat, and their carcass shall ye not touch, they are unclean to you." [Leviticus 11:7-8]

Pork is also prohibited in the Bible in the book of Deuteronomy

"And the swine, because it divideth the hoof, yet cheweth not the cud, it is unclean unto you. Ye shall not eat of their flesh, nor touch their dead carcass." [Deuteronomy 14:8] 

Bible is similar to Quran and Bible even speaks about ALLAH S.W.T and his apostle Prophet Muhammed P.B.U.H and one of the mightiest Messenger of ALLAH S.W.T Prophet Isa'a (Jesus Christ P.B.U.H)

in this verse the Jesus Christ (P.B.U.H) itself considered about Prophet Mohammed (P.B.U.H) that a man will come and teach you more about the religion which has to be followed and the things which i haven't said that man will say and you have to follow that and that man is Prophet Mohammed (We love and respect Jesus more than you because we follow his teachings more than you do if you say i love Jesus Christ (P.B.U.H) and don't follow his teaching so your love is false
and the Jesus Christ also said in The Gospel of John Ch.16 Verse 11-14 just check out that Verse Jesus Christ considered about Prophet Mohammed (S.A.W) that he will b the last Messenger and you have to follow him so even in that way i follow Prophet Mohammed (S.A.W) if you follow Jesus Christ (P.B.U.H) so if you are the follower of him do you believe in Prophet Mohammed???P.B.U.H)

Think about it Christians turn towards the right way!

Share this message Muslims to awake our Christian brothers and sisters!

Jazak'ALLAHU Khairan