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The Christine believe that Islam is only rituals religion but there is no salvation In Islam, Despite of your all Sallahmark on your forehead, Fasting, Charity (Zakath), pilgrimage, etc you will never attain Salvation .They saying‘But salvation only can attain by the being a Christine or Jew, the last home God is for only for us not for anyone.
No need to get wonder about what they saying,it’s been saying from times of the prophet Mohammed (peace be Upon him) . Allah put a challenge to them, to test their Truthfulness, what they say, they really mean it, they really believe in it, and Allah exposed them to the world, their actual believe.
Say:” If the last Home, with Allah, be for
You specially (Christine or Jews),
and not for anyone else, then seek ye for
death, if ye re sincere (truthful).”
[ Al-Qur’an Qur’an surah Baq’rahCh 2 Verse 94 ]
And not a single person came forward to seek death. They didn’t actual have to die Or to Attempt for death, just have to say” I want to die” but not a single person even said that. If they would have said, Qur’an prove to be wrong, But Allah know everything ,their believe is false believe, wishful thinking, utter nonsense and nothing.
There are group of people among Muslim, They believe that the last Home (paradise or Heaven)For us only because we born in Muslim family . It’s a big misconception among Muslim, just born in Muslim family or having a liable of Muslim and Name we cannot attain salvation.
Qur’an speaks about ‘SALVATION’ many places but Allah revealed a complete chapter(Surah)named as Surah Al-Asr=’By Time ‘Chapter 103 verse 1-3,
This surah deals with conditions for, to attain salvation. If anyone want to attain salvation He/She should fulfill these four conditions mention in the Qur’an for the salvation.
Imam Shafi; says “If anyone only propound these Qur’anic verse it’s enough for to attain salvation”
“By (The token of) time,
Verily man in the loss,
Except those who have a faith,
And do righteous deeds,
Invite towards the truth,
And (invite) of patience and”
[Al-AsrCh 103 verse 1-3]
I. “Expect those who have a faith (Emaan)”
Faith does not mean only believe in Allah,
Allah say;
“It’s not righteousness that ye turn you faces towards
East of west; but it is righteousness- to believe in Allah
And the last Day, and the Angles, and the Books, and the Messenger;”
[Al- Qur’an surah Baq’rahCh 2 verse 177]
A person asks to prophet ‘what is faith?“ prophet reply; Believe in Allah, and in his Angles ,In his Books, in his Messengers, in the Day of judgment, in the Destiny”:
[Sahi Muslim vol 1 in the book of faith Ch 2 Hadith 6
SahiBukharivol 1 ch 1 hadith 8 ]
1) Believe in Allah :
Concept of God;
“Say: Allah one and only, Allah the absolute and eternal,
He begets not nor was He begotten,
There is nothing like Allah”
[Al-Qur’an surahAklashCh 112 verse 1-4]
2) Believe in Angles:
Angles they are created by ‘Noor’ light’ and they have no free will like us human beings.
They obey all commandment of Allah, ex: Jibraeel(pbuh) (Gabriel), his job is to take the message from Allah and deliver to Allah’s messengers (prophets).
3)Believe in Books:
Allah says;
“We sent many revelations”
[Al- Qur’an surah Rad, Ch 13 verse 38]
But by name four mention in the Qur’an, Torah, Zabur, In’jeer, Qur’an, there are many books sent like ‘Sufi Ibrahim’ , but by name four mention in the Qur’an , We have to believe these books
From Allah and the last and final message or book from Allah, is Holy Qur’an sent to the whole mankind,
It mentioned;
"Ramadan is the month the Qur’an has been revealed,
a guidance for the whole mankind, and
Qur’an is the criteria to judge right from wrong"
[Al-Qur’an surah Baq’rahCh 2 verse 185]
Allah several places says Qur’an revealed for the whole mankind.
[It mention in Ch 14 verse 1and 52, Ch 39 verse 41, Ch 68 verse 52, Ch 81 verse 27, etc]
4) Believe in Messengers:
Allah says;
“And there never were a people,
Without a Warner (messenger) having lived
Among them”
[Al-Qur’an surah Al-Fir Ch 35 verse 24]
By name in the Qur’an, 25 messenger name mentioned,
Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) says it mention in
MasnadAhamedvol 5 page on 265-266
“Allah has sent to earth 124000 messenger,
But by named 25 mention have to believe in all of them
messenger of Allah and the last and Final messenger
Mohammed (pubh) sent to the whole
Allah say
"We (Allah) have sent thee(Mohammed(pubh)
Not but a mercy to the all creatures"
[Al-Qur’an Surah AmbiyaCh 21 verse 107 ]
5) Believe in Day Of Judgment:
Allah says;
"Every soul shall have a taste of death:
And only on the Day of Judgment shall you
Be paid you full recompense. Only he who is saves far
From the fire and admitted to the Garden will have
Attained the object (of Life): For the life of
This world is but goods and chattels of deception."
[Al-Qur’an surah Al- Imran Ch 3 verse 185]
We have to believe that this world is not the final destination,
thereis life after death .This life is test for here after ,
Allah says;
"We created the life and death to test you,
Who of you good in deeds."
[Al-Qur’an surah QalamCh 67 verse 2]
We have to believe in ‘Here After’, the Day of Accountability’
what we are doing in this world , We will be Accountable by
Allah(god), and base on our deeds either we go to hell or heaven.
Believing in a Heaven (Janna) andHell(jahanum)
6) Believing in Destiny-Qadr :
Qadr is the concept of destiny certain aspect of human life is predestined by our Creator Almighty Allah. For e.g.
a) Where and when will a person be born ,
The surround and condition in whichHe will born
b) How long will he or she live where will he or she die
c) Will he born in a poor family or rich family, etc.
II “Do Righteous Deeds”
Prophet Mohammed (pbuh):
Prophet Mohammed (pubh) said Islam base on five (principle)
1)To testify there is none one has right to be worship expect Allah
AndMohammed (pubh) servant and messenger of Allah,
2) To offer the (compulsory congregation) prayers dutifully and perfectly,
3) To pay Zakath(obligation charity)
4) To perform Hajj (pilgrimage to Macca)
5) To observe fasting during the month of Ramadan.
[ SahiBukharivol 1 ch 1 Hadith no 7]
Strive and Struggle to follow the entirecommandment of Allah and his Messenger.
III. “Invites People towards Truth’ (Dawaa)
" O you Muslim you the best of people
Erected of the mankind, (because) you
Enjoy what is good and abstain what is
Wrong and believe in Allah"
[Al- Qur’an surah 3 verse 110]
Allah say that we are the best of people why because we enjoy good and invite
Towards good, and abstain what is wrong. If we don’t do that then we are not
Best of people and just name sake Muslim,
“Who is better in speech then one who invite
Them in the way of you lord, do work of
Righteousness and say ‘I am Muslim”?
[Al-Qur’an Ch 41 verse 33]
Allah says that the best work in the world, the best professional in the world isDa’wee(invitation to towards truth).
Allah says in the Qur’an:
“Invitethem in the way of your lord with wisdom
And beautiful preaching, argue with them
Reason with them, the way that best and most gracious”
[Al-Qur’an Ch 16 verse 125]
It’s a Compulsory duty of every Muslim to do Da’waa,
to deliver the message Of truth to the non Muslim.
To present Islam before them, weather they accept
Or not its doesn’t matter for us because the
hidaya(Guidance) in the hand of Allah.
“It’s not unto thee but unto us to give hidaya(guidance)”
[Al- Qur’an Ch 2 verse 272]
“You are just reminder to remind them, you have no rights
To look after into their affairs”
[Al- Qur’an Ch 88 verse 21-22]
Prophet Mohammed (pubh)
“Deliver to others even you know one Ayat(verse) ”
[ SahiBukharivol 4 Hadith 3461]
Prophet Mohammed (pubh)
“If you seen any evil stop with yourhand (if don’t have power),
Stop with you tong (if don’t have power), at least cruse in you heart,
This is the lowest level of Emaan(faith)”
[Sahi Muslim vol 1 Ch 21 Hadith 79]
Its job of the every Muslim to convey message of Allah to others, don’t wait for Time you become scholars then you will do Da’waa .prophet Mohammed (pbuh) Says that even you know one ‘Ayat’, propagate its. Every Muslim know at least know Islamic creed that
“there is on God but Allah andMohammed (pbuh) is messenger
Of Allah” propagate this!.
Allah don’t require us to spread this message ,
If anyone thinking that ‘without us Islam will not spread’
He is the most foolish person in the universe. Who we are ? Bullshit!. Allah not less than three places mentioned in the Qur’an;
“It is He Who has sent His Messenger
with Guidance and the Religion of Truth,
to proclaim it over all religion:
and enough is Allah for a Witness.”
[Al-Qur’an Ch 48 verse 28]
“It is He Who hath sent His Messenger with
guidance and the Religion of Truth,
to proclaim it over all religion,
even though the Pagans may detest (it).”
[Al-Qur’an Ch 9 verse 33]
“It is He Who has sent His Messenger
With Guidance and the Religion of Truth,
That he may proclaim it over all religion,
Even though the Pagans may detest (it).”
[Al-Qur’an Ch 61 verse 9]
Allah is enough for to spread his ‘Deen’. If you want to attain salvation,
jannah, paradise, do Da’waa. We should pray or thanks to Allah give us
Opportunity to spread his message of peace. If we fail to do ourjob,
if we neglect our job. For what Allah has called us best of people,
Allah clearly says in the Qur’an or warning to us!
“If ye turn back (from the path),
He (Allah) will substitute you by
Another people; then they would not be like you!”
[Al-Qur’an Ch 48 verse 38]
Allah will remove us with humiliation! Insult!.
And the last one is invite towards patience,
And we should be patience in way of Allah,
Suffering from harms and difficulties, injuries etc, which
Encounter in Allah’s cause during the preaching his religion
Islam andkeep on strive and struggle in his way continuously.
“Verily; Allah with whose, who patiently persevere one”
[Al-Qur’an Ch 2 verse 153]
“Give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere one”
[Al-Qur’an Ch 2 verse 155]
If anyone missing any one point he/she will not go to paradise
For example: if there are six subjects and if someonegets 99% in
FivesubjectsFail in one subject, will that student qualify to next class? No off course not, similar way if any one fails to fulfill four condition
He will notenter into Paradise.
Allah also says;
“Allah never forgive those who associate
Other partner with him (Allah), but Allah
Forgive anything else, to whom he pleaseth”
[Al-Qur’an Ch 4 verse 48]
If any one has a faith in Allah and miss any criteria and died and with out doing shrik , If Allah wish he will put them into Jannah but in general any one fail to fulfill any criteria he/she will not enter into Jannah.