BIRTH CONTROL METHODSThere are two birth control methods:
1) Permanent methods: MTP (medical termination of pregnancy), TL (Tubal Ligation) Or Vasectomy.
2) Temporary methods.
1) Permanent methods
All most all scholars prohibited permanents methods in Islam but it’s allowed in certain Situation or
circumstance, if mother had a multiple session doctor says another Pregnancy will dangerous to her life or if mother heart attack patient and if she Conceive a baby it’s dangerous to her life, in such situation only this permanent Allowed otherwise it’s prohibited in Islam.
2)Temporary Methods:
The most common method is “Copper T”: Earlier science tell us “copper T” is a contraception but today science developedAnd tell us that “copper T” is not contraception but it’s a “Contra implantation “Means “Ovum and sperm already form the zygote, its preventing the cling in Uterus involve, it’s already attach to mother wall (Uterus wall) means it’s human creation already began in the mother womb, its means It’s a “Earlier Abortion” killing a human life, right! Killing any innocent life is Prohibited in Islam,Allah says in the Qur’an Ch 5 Verse 32
“ If any one kill any innocent life as though He kill the whole mankind “
and other Methods are like taking “Contraceptive Pills” and you know that Its causes many side effects in America and other countries , people are holding a banner and Board etc. “Pills kills Women” .
Allah says in the Qur’an Ch 30 Verse 30 “Do not change your physiology”.
If takings Pills to save a mother life, if doctor says, if she should not conceive a baby up to Particular
time then it’s allowed.
Why Family planning?
Allah says in the Qur’an Ch 6 Verse 151 “ Do not kill your child want of sustain, we sustain
You and your child”
Another place Qur’an verse says Ch 17 Verse 31 “ Do not kill your child want of sustain, We provide Your children and you “
If you see the first verse and second verse look similar but order is change. Scholars says first one refer to poor people , “ I don’t have to eat who a feed my child”
In Islam show the Solution for this is “ZAKAT” If the person is poor he/she can take Zakat and Its not a obligation to take zakat but it’s their right to take. And its refer to “Malthusian theory of population”, he says that “ crops inversely proportionately to population”
Means more population more danger to food but this theory has been disprove, Today population is Boone for the society not bane for the society , If you know which two country are competing for the Super power country? “India and China.” Why? Because they have man power, you know in America Children wearing a T shirt of written on “I and My Father Tax saver”. In Australia “more children more Allowance like less tax, school allowance, etc. why? Encouraging population, in Russia few year back They awarded a women has a maximum children in Russia as “Women of the Nation”. It the problem of the Indian Government.
It should come up the good policy so that we can utilized the Human power otherwise actually population not at all a problem and 73% of world land not been yet utilized. Second Verse refer: To the people, Modern people, they say “I want to make my daughter or son doctor or engineer or MBA etc. I need space between one child to another child .Almighty God already given a natural birth control, when baby born, when she breast feed, She will have lactation amureia means to conceive a baby again chance is goes down, and there is a space by naturally .
Allah says in the Qur’an Ch 31 Verse 15 “she give milk for two years”. But Today women they don’t believe in breast feeding, why? Because they lost their figure.
If you see the people who won the Noble prize in different field, science, math’s, social, etc. All of
them are not the first or second child of their parent’s its mixed , some 1 , 5, 3 etc. its Mixed if you saying that 1 child or 2 child only becoming well educated and successful in This world that wrong, illogical , Myth . In India “We two our two” after one not know and after two never. Allah says in the Qur’an Ch 3 Verse 53 “ They think , they plan , Allah to plan , but Allah plan the best” If you believe that Allah is the best planner then leave to Allah , if you think you do better planning Then go ahead .
There is a hadith which says that one person came to prophet and says “o prophet I want to do “Azl” (Arabic) means Coitus interruptus means intercourse in which, when ejaculation approaches, the man withdraws and ejaculates outside the women body “and prophet remain silent, some scholars says”
prophet remain silent means its prohibited, other scholars says that “prophet remain silent means prophetallowed us” but whatever .No one can say its prohibited in Islam. And statistic tell us that , using condom(Some scholars prohibited if it using to fear of Children and their sustenance ) and women getting pregnancy chances is 17 percent but if you do proper methods Coitus interruptus, the chances is just 15 percent ,it better to using “Azl” method than condom .
UNVEILED” -by Mohammed Asif Ali