Question: If the Qur’an carries scientific facts so do other Scriptures also. Then why do
Muslims claims only Qur’an as the word of God and not others Scriptures?
We Muslims believe in the Qur’an as the word of God without any doubt. One of the main reasons as to
why we Muslims believe only in Qur’an and no other Scripture when Qur’an as well as other Scriptures
also contains scientific facts are because Qur’an is the only Religious Scripture that contains scientific
facts and no scientific errors. There is not a single Aayat in the Glorious Qur’an that the mentioning in to
other scripture but science could not challenge Qur’an:
Allah says in the Qur’an:
“Do they not consider the Qur’an (with Care)? Had it been from other than Allah they would surely have
found therein much discrepancy.”
[Al-Qur’an Ch 4 Verse 82]
There are many Hindus claim or Challenge that Vedas, Bhagvath Geeta etc... Hindus scripture is pure and
which contain no errors. In Fact If we analysis Hindus scripture contain unscientific potions or errors.
Note: Normally we should not speak about differences or errors in the Vedas or any other religions
scriptures but as a last resort or if someone challenge us to prove then only we should make these
errors, point out in their scriptures.
1) Earth is fixed, don't rotate or revolve.
2) Sky stand on support.
3) Even earth got pillars.
4) Sun Revolve around the Earth.
5)Horse take the Sun to the Sky.
"He who fixed firm the earth that staggered, and set at rest the agitated mountains, who measured out the
air's wide middle region and gave the heaven support, he men is indra.
[Rigveda Book 2 hymn 12 Mantra 2]
"God has firmly fixed that earth with pegs around it
[Yajur Vedas Ch 5 Mantra 16]
"A lamp kept in a windless place does not shake."
[Bhagavad Gita Ch 6 verse 19]
As the Vedas Claim that the earth is static and so they tried to prove that the sun moves around the earth.
The following statement from the rig Ved tries to clarify it:
1. "Sun is full of light and knows all the human beings, so his (horses) take him to sky to look at the
world" [Rig Ved Book 1 Hymn 50 Mantra 1]
2. "O, Bright sun, a chariot named harit with seven horses takes you to sky"
[Rig Ved Book 1 Hymn 50 Mantra 8]
3. "O, man, the sun who is most attractive, takes round of the earth, on his golden chariot through the sky
and removes the darkness of the earth"
[Yajur Ved Ch 33 Verse 43]
There are many unscientific things or potion in the Vedas and Baghwath Geeta. One scientific error is
enough to prove it’s not the books of God neither completely guidance to whole mankind.
"And say: "Truth has (now) arrived, and Falsehood perished: for Falsehood is (by its nature) bound to
[Al-Qur'an ch 17 Verses 81].