QuizTime (92)
On Which Sahabi request, Prophet summoned Jewish leaders and invited them to
join Islam & while he was in another room?
Ans: 'Abdullah Ibn Salam(R.a)
Al-Hussein Ibn Salam was one of the scholars of the
Jews who lived in Yathrib, (Madeenah). All the people of the town had the
greatest respect for him. Everyone, no matter what his religion was, treated
him with reverence. He had a high reputation for piety, righteousness, and
So the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) put me into one of his rooms, summoned them and invited them to join Islam. He made faith appealing to them and reminded them that their scriptures contained prophecies of his coming. They began using specious arguments to make truth seem false, and continued to do so until he despaired of their accepting the faith. At that point he asked them, "What is your evaluation of Al-Hussein Ibn Salam?" They answered, "A chief of ours, and the son of chief of ours. He is an eminent scholar."
The Prophet (pbuh) questioned them further; "Do you think if he accepted Islam that you would also accept Islam? Astound at the thought, they replied, "Allah forbids! He would never do that!" May Allah protect him from that!" So I came out and addressed them, "My people! Fear Allah, and accept what Muhammad has brought to you. I swear by Allah that you know that he is the Messenger of Allah, and that you can find his name and description in the copies of the Torah in your possession. I bear witness that he is the Messenger of Allah. I believe in him and in what he says and I recognize him for what he is." They responded by addressing the Prophet (pbuh) harshly, "You liar! He (Al-Hussein) is a low person, born to a low family.
For more amazing details:
Link: https://www.islamweb.net/en/article/174783/abdullah-ibn-salam-from-judaism-to-islam
knows the best.
Mohammed Asif Ali. #MohammedAsifAli
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