Monday, 22 February 2021

QuizTime(102) who was that Sahabi found the dead body of a which prophet who came before Muhammed(pbuh) ?


QuizTime(102) who was that Sahabi found the dead body of a which prophet who came before Muhammed(pbuh) ?



Ans: Abu Burdah ibn Abi Moosa Al-Ash'ari (r.a) and Prophet Daniel(pbuh).

Ibn Abu Dunya reported from Abu Bilal that Abu Musa found with Daniel a holy script and a container in which were dirhams, his ring and ointment. He wrote to Umar, who replied: "Send the scripture to us, send some of the ointment, tell the Muslims who are with you to use it, share the dirhams among them, and leave the ring for you. Abu Bakr Ibn Abu Dunya related without citation that when Abu Musa was told that he was Daniel, he stayed with him, embraced him, and kissed him. Then he wrote to Umar that he found with him nearly ten thousand Dhirhams. It used to be that people came to borrow from it, and if they did not return it, they became sick. Umar ordered his burial in a grave to be kept secret and the money to be sent to the treasury, with the box and the ring a gift to him (Abu Musa).It is related of Abu Musa that he told four of the captives to dam the river and dig a grave in the middle, where he buried him. Then he beheaded the four captives in order for the secret to be kept from all except himself.

 [Stories of Prophets by Ibn Kathir page no: 166]


 For more details: [difference opinions of Scholars]



Allah knows the best.


By Mohammed Asif Ali. #MohammedAsifAli

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