Monday, 15 February 2021

Quiz time (26): In Which battle 3,000 Muslim Soldiers (At prophet (saw) time) met 200,000 enemies & got victory over them?


Quiz time (26): In Which battle 3,000 Muslim Soldiers (At prophet (saw) time) met 200,000 enemies & got victory over them?


Ans: The Battle of Mu'tah.


Their (Romans) abuse reached its peak when they killed Al-Haarith ibn ‘Umayr Al-'Azdi, may Allah be pleased with him. 


Consequently, the Prophet, (pbuh), called the Muslims to go out to fight the Romans so that he would discipline them and put an end to their barbarian conduct. Quickly, three thousand warriors assembled and the Prophet, (pbuh),, allocated three standards to three leaders to whom the Prophet, (pbuh), decided to assign leadership of the army in tandem to. He (pbuh), said: "If Zayd ibn Haarithah is wounded, let Ja‘far ibn Abi Taalib succeed him. If Ja‘far is wounded, let ‘Abdullaah ibn Rawaahah, succeed him."[Al-Bukhari and Muslim]



Having assumed leadership, Khaalid, may Allah be pleased with him, wanted to save the Muslim army in a way that would maintain its entity and cause dread in the enemy. In his opinion the solution was to retreat and give the enemy the impression that new reinforcements had come to the Muslims. He kept his ground in the battlefield until night fell and he utilized the darkness to change the warriors' positions, replacing the right wing with the left and the vanguard with the rearguard. He commissioned his cavalry to create clouds of dust and noisy clamor. Therefore the Romans thought that the Muslims were provided with reinforcements, so they lost power and the Muslims launched a fierce attack against them. Khaalid, may Allah be pleased with him, reported that he broke nine swords fighting, with nothing remaining in his hands but a Yemeni saber.


Thus, Khaalid, may Allah be pleased with him, managed to return with the army to Al-Madeenah with a small amount of potential losses, and killed numberless Romans, which constituted a great victory to Islam and Muslims.


That was the battle of Mu'tah, which was full of valuable lessons. Once a person has read about its incidents, he cannot help but admire the Muslim combatants – those amazing soldiers, 3,000 in number, who faced the immense army of 200,000 warriors.


The battle of Mu'tah is, according to all military criteria, a miracle and a supernatural event. The battle rendered the enemy face to face with the Islamic military principle that the Muslims would fight others based neither on troops nor military gear. Instead they fought by virtue of their religion. If we intend to fight sincerely for the sake of Allah and exhaust available means of military preparation, victory will be ours by the permission of Allah.


Please read the Amazing Battle of Mu’tah.




Allah knows the best .


By Mohammed Asif Ali. #MohammedAsifAli

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