Saturday, 27 February 2021

QuizTime(132): What was the age of Nabi Muhammad(Pbuh)when Allah appointed him as His messenger?


QuizTime(132): What was the age of Nabi Muhammad(Pbuh)when Allah appointed him as His messenger?


Ans: At the Age of 40.

Imam Mmad stated that Muhammad h. Ahij 'Adi related to him, from Dawiid b. Aha Hind, from 'Amir al-Sha'bi, that the Messenger of God (SAAS) received his mission when he was 40 years old. The angel Israfil was entrusted with his prophet-hood for three years, during which he would teach him words and facts; the Qur'an was not revealed then. After those three years Gabriel was entrusted with his prophethood and the Qur'au was revealed through his voice over a 20-year period, 10 in Mecca and 10 in Medina. The Prophet (SAAS) died when he was 63 years old.

This chain of authorities back to al-Sha'bi is a correct one. It establishes that Israfil was entrusted with him for a 3-year period after his age of 40, and that Gabriel came thereafter.

Reference:"The life of the prophet Muhammed(pbuh)" Vol 1 page 306 by Ibn Kathir.

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Allah knows the best.


By Mohammed Asif Ali. #MohammedAsifAli

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