Saturday, 13 March 2021

QuizTime (144) at prophet (saw) time, during in which extreme Battle condition Sahabas wore tore leather & cloth pieces instead of shoes?


QuizTime (144) at prophet (saw) time, during in which extreme Battle condition Sahabas wore tore leather & cloth pieces instead of shoes?



Ans: The Battle of “Thaat-ur-Riqaa”/“Dhat-ur-Riqa”


Particular battle during which the Companions (may Allah please with them all) experienced the highest degree of hardship to the extent that they wore shreds of leather and pieces of cloth instead of shoes and sandals. According to Islamic history, the events of that battle took place in the sixth Hijri year.

 It was called “Thaat Ar-Riqaa‘” because the Muslims would wrap their legs and feet in pieces of clothes, rags and patches (which means Riqaa‘ in Arabic). It was also said that it was named as such because the Muslims patched their flags, or because of a tree called Thaat Ar-Riqaa’, or because they camped in an area whose land had white and black patches. However, the soundest reason is the first one for it was narrated on the authority of Abu Moosa Al-Ash‘ari, may Allah be pleased with him, that he said, 

 “We set out in the company of the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, for a battle and we were six persons having one camel, which we rode by taking turns. So, [due to excessive walking] our feet became wounded; my feet became wounded [to the extent that] my nails dropped off. We would wrap our feet with pieces of cloth, and for this reason, the battle was named Thaat Ar-Riqaa‘ as we wrapped our feet with rags.” [Al-Bukhari]

 After overcoming the evil plotting of the Jews in Madeenah and after defeating the Quraysh and its allies, there was still another danger: the heartless Bedouins, who were living in the desert of Najd. These people derived their livelihood from highway robbery. On one hand, the Prophet (pbuh) wanted to put an end to that danger and to overcome this evil, while on the other hand, he (pbuh) wanted to provide the region with security and protection. Hence, when the Prophet (pbuh) heard that those people were preparing to fight him, he (pbuh)was determined to retaliate, and he(pbuh)commanded his Companions to prepare themselves for the battle. They immediately responded to his command and prepared for the fight - and they numbered either 400 or 700 fighters.

 The Prophet (Pbuh) set out along with his army from Madeenah. They realized from the outset that there were many hardships awaiting them as there was a severe shortage in mounts. Every six or seven men had to take turns on a single camel. What made matters worse was the unevenness of the earth and the sharp stones that tore their shoes and their fingernails. Hence, they had to wrap their feet in shreds of cloth and leather, and this was why the battle came to be known as that of Thaat-ur-Riqaa' (Expedition of Rags). In Saheeh Al-Bukhari[4128/9] and Saheeh Muslim, a Hadeeth was narrated on the authority of Abu Moosa Al-‘Ash‘ari (pbuh) who said, “We would wrap our feet with shreds, and that is why the battle was called as such: Thaat-ur-Riqaa’.”

 For more details:

1)    Link:

2)     Link :

3)     Link:


 Allah knows the best.


By Mohammed Asif Ali. #MohammedAsifAli

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